Special relations between man and horse exist for ages.
They changed a lot in the course of time. At the beginning of this century the number of domestic
horses was steadily reducing, as cars began to perform their basic role of horses. The revival of interest
to the horse happened quite recently (beginning approximately from 1960) mainly due to the increase of their
role in the field of leisure and sport. In this sense horse is domestic animal and we have to give consideration
to horses as we do to other more "traditional" domestic animals.
Needs of mineral matters deserve great attention because skeleton is very important
for physical condition of horse.
Excessive consumption of some mineral matters is also harmful as well as its deficit.
It has to be taken into account for developing the ration. To estimate the necessity of mineral matters it is necessary
to know their general content in all components of the ration and availability.
The primary purpose of feeding of pets is providing them with long and healthy lives;
the basic criteria of feed are growth and reproductive capabilities. We also have to take into consideration the state
of health of animal. In practice feeding of horse is subjected to such factors as quality of pasture, presence of
dietary fibres in ration and physical characteristics of food.
Therefore, in STC "Viria" it is possible not
only conduct microelement analysis of hairs but also test microelements of any pet food.